Training Services
Beyond Risk Consulting
CMS can assist with the development of training courses and conduct training sessions to supplement current programs. Some training sessions that can be offered include the following:
Accident Investigations
Accident Prevention
Back Safety
Driving Safety
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
Effective Safety Meetings
- Fall Prevention/Protection
Fatigue in the Workplace
Health and Wellness
Mining 101 (Introduction to Surface and Underground Mining)
Pre-employment Evaluation
Soft-Tissue Injury Prevention
Supervisory and Management Development
Surviving a MSHA Audit
Valuing Safety

We are regularly developing new training courses and can develop a training program specific to your operation. If interested in a training topic that is not on this list, please let us know and we will work with your team to develop a program that fits your needs. In addition, we have MSHA (Part 46 & 48) approved instructors who can assist with annual refresher training. Contact us today to request information and schedule training.